Vertical farming (indoor farming without daylight) is a development that takes horticulture to another level. With Light Emitting Diodes (LED) it is possible to offer plants the perfect light conditions, while other climatic factors are also completely controlled. Since there are no further external factors influencing the climate, all decisions can and have to be made by the grower.

Opleider: HAS Hogeschool
Duur: 4 dagen
Kosten: €2.795,00 (excl. BTW)

Data en locaties:
Dag 1: 15 november 2022 – Brightbox Venlo
Dag 2: 16 november 2022 – HAS Hogeschool locatie Den Bosch
Dag 3: 17 november 2022 – Naaldwijk en omgeving
Dag 4: 18 november 2022 – Locatie nader te bepalen

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Voor deze cursus kun je het STAP-budget aanvragen: een subsidie tot €1.000 van de overheid.